Are you struggling with the pressures or stress of high achievement at school or work as an Asian American or Asian international student? Despite your accomplishments, you often feel invisible or “outsider” and don’t know where to get support? I invite you to psychoanalysis a space where you can speak about your experience as an Asian or Asian American person.
At Syracuse University, where I previously taught, many of my Asian international students felt lonely and isolated. At Hunter College, CUNY, where I currently teach a course called "Mental Health and Asian American Communities," many of my Asian American students struggle with high family and societal expectations for them to excel academically and professionally. All feel alone without a place to speak.
Psychoanalysis can be your place to speak. By articulating your unrecognized struggles, alienated feelings or your unspoken desires to an analyst, who can "listen," you will find a way to reorganize your challenging relationships and restructure your subjective position. I invite you on this exploration to find the solutions and, ultimately, your uniqueness as a person.